Talk Business Café: The Power of Minimum Viable Products

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Join Entrepreneurship Connections alum Divya Nambiar to learn how leveraging minimum viable products (MVPs) can accelerate the success of immigrant entrepreneurs in Canada.
Launch a profitable business faster by:
• Gaining practical insights into developing and launching MVPs for quicker market validation.
• Learning strategies to adapt to the Canadian market swiftly, fostering cultural understanding and customer preferences.
• Acquiring skills to iterate and refine products based on user feedback, driving continuous improvement and innovation within your startup.

RBC Webinar – Job Search 101 & RBC Hiring Process

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Join us for an information session with speakers from the RBC’s East Toronto Newcomer Specialist Team. Our guest speakers will share key insights on the following topics:
• Job Search Strategies
• Resume Best Practice
• The Importance of Networking
• Interview Best Practice
• RBC’s Recruitment Process

RBC Webinar – Budgeting Basics

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In this webinar, our guest speakers will show you how to create and fill in your own budget, so you will better understand what your financial situation looks like today. Our aim is to help you get comfortable with your budget, to use your budget as a tool to achieve your financial goals.

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