ACCES Employment offers programs that help youth to get started with their careers. We recognize the importance of customizing our approach to address the unique challenges that youth face when deciding on a career path, learning about workplaces and finding the right job opportunities. The programs below support youth to find their way in the current job market and launch a meaningful career. 

Each program includes a focus on supporting youth through various barriers that they may face including connecting them to other supports available in the community. 


"Without the preparation and guidance from ACCES I wouldn’t have been as confident in my interviews. I am very happy to be employed and I thank the YJC program for helping me to be successful in my journey."
Tenzin Dawa - Youth Job Connection Alum

"The ACCES team made me feel at home in a foreign land. They helped me to create a customized employment action plan and improve my resume and interview skills."
Abhishek Bansal - Customer Service for Newcomer Youth Alum