ACCES is Proud to be a Local Coordinator for MentorAbility!

Committed to increasing employment opportunities for people who have a disability, ACCES has joined the MentorAbility network as a local coordinator.

MentorAbility is a national initiative promoting employment of people who have a disability in communities throughout Canada. MentorAbility is a full- or half-day mentoring experience through which jobseekers who have a disability are matched with individual Mentors to explore career opportunities.

Program Components

Each MentorAbility Experience provides opportunity for jobseekers to increase their knowledge of an industry or career, as well as provide workplaces with increased familiarity and new competencies with this diversity group.

Program Eligibility

Who Can Be a Protégé? Jobseekers who have a self-identified disability are welcome to submit applications to ACCES and we will work to facilitate placement opportunities. The only requirement for participating is having a strong, genuine desire to work in the community

Program Benefits

Gain valuable tips on how to advance your career in Canada, Expand your knowledge of Canadian workplace culture, Find out what Canadian employers are looking for in an employee, Get inspired, informed and connected, Build your professional network, Find ways of leveraging your experience and skills