ACCES Employment’s Entrepreneurship Connections® Pre-Arrival (ECP) program supports newcomers approved to move to Canada.  Whether you are already an experienced entrepreneur, or want to explore how entrepreneurship, including self-employment, can provide exciting opportunities to transfer your experience/ideas into starting a successful business in Canada, this program is for you!  ECP provides you with the very latest information, support, and resources to confidently take your first steps – all before coming to Canada.

If you are interested in applying for the program, please fill out our online registration form.Opens in new tab icon

VERA can help you register for an upcoming information session. Click the red chatbox in the bottom right corner to get started!

Program Components

  • One-on-one business advising and support in developing a personalized action plan
  • Orientation to entrepreneurship in Canada
  • Obtain self-employment readiness assessments
  • Access to self-directed online learning modules to prepare for starting a business

If you are interested in applying for the program, please fill out our online registration form.Opens in new tab icon

We offer three progressive levels of service, depending on your needs, including one-on-one support before, during, and after your arrival in Canada.


In our first level of service, you can explore if entrepreneurship is the right pathway for you, including learning about the first steps and considerations to starting a business in Canada.   At your convenience, you will access our interactive and on-demand learning modules on a range of topics, along with webinars led by small business experts.


When you are ready to take the next steps, you receive customized one-on-one business advisory support from business advisors, subject matter experts and small business owners from across Canada.  We support you to create an action plan with clear steps and resources to launch of your business in your landing community.


In the third stage, we connect you to our Canada-wide network of business experts, mentors and entrepreneurship supports in your landing community, ensuring long-term support both during and after establishing your business.

By participating in the ECP program you will be able to make an informed decision about starting a business in Canada and take your first steps toward business success!

Entrepreneurship Connections® Pre-Arrival (ECP) is funded by the Government of Canada.

Program Benefits

  • Receive entrepreneurship training and supports before your arrival in Canada
  • Gain knowledge and resources to successfully start your business
  • Learn how to create a business plan and access funding resources
  • Access to successful entrepreneurs, mentors, and guests who are experts in entrepreneurship topics
  • Build connections with entrepreneurs and entrepreneurship support networks across Canada
  • Acquire workplace communication skills and prepare for Canadian business culture
  • Receive targeted referrals to post-arrival entrepreneurship services

Program Eligibility

  • Plan to arrive in Canada within the next 1 to 6 months
  • Have been approved for Canadian permanent residency and are currently living outside of Canada
  • Interest in starting your own business
  • Proficient computer skills and comfortable with online learning

If you are interested in applying for the program, please please fill out our Pre-Arrival Screening & Intake Questionnaire.

Program Fees

There is no fee associated with this program.