Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP)

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At ACCES, we understand that securing meaningful employment can be challenging for persons with disabilities, which is why we provide access to a wide range of job opportunities, hiring events, information sessions, and workshops. Our services bridge the divide between employers and individuals with disabilities. We offer a comprehensive suite of Employment Ontario services that cater specifically to jobseekers on the Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP). We offer a range of specialized career support services. Our staff has undergone comprehensive training through the Ontario Disability Employment Network (ODEN) and are ready to help! To get started, contact our Markham or […]

Better Jobs Ontario

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Better Jobs Ontario (BJO) supports unemployed individuals with skills training for a promising new career within in-demand occupations with demonstrated labour-market prospects in Ontario.  The BJO program is intended for individuals who do not have the financial resources to access skills training.  Click here to view upcoming program information sessions.

Employment Services

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ACCES provides customized one-on-one employment service support that meets the unique needs of jobseekers.

Talk English Cafe

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Do you want to practice your English conversation skills? The Talk English Cafe® provides newcomers with an opportunity to enhance and refine their English conversation and workplace communication skills in an informal, café-type setting. These English conversation sessions help participants build fundamental communication skills needed to succeed in the Canadian workplace. Through activities led by a qualified ESL instructor, as well as informal group discussions, participants learn to engage in small talk, work effectively in teams, and gain an understanding of Canadian workplace culture. Participants also practice and enhance their pronunciation, grammar, and vocabulary. For upcoming Talk English Cafe® sessions, […]

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