The Connecting to Careers in Early Childhood Education program

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The Connecting to Careers in Early Childhood Education program prepares individuals to work with children (birth to 12 years) and their families, and to gain viable employment in a high-demand sector. This information session introduces the program to potential participants.

Info Session: Human Resources Connections Program

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HR Connections: Strategies for the Canadian Workplace helps internationally-trained Human Resource professionals pursue careers in the HR sector in Canada. This information session introduces the program to potential participants while also providing job search advice for the sector.

Info Session: Financial Services Connections Program

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Financial Services Connections in a Digital World helps internationally-trained Financial Service professionals pursue their careers in Canada. This information session introduces the program to potential participants while also providing job search advice for the sector.

Info Session: Cloud Computing Connections Program

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Cloud Computing Connections helps internationally-trained IT professionals transition and expand their cloud computing careers in Canada. This information session introduces the program to potential participants while also providing job search advice for the sector.

Empower & Impress: Suiting, Headshots, and Confidence Building

489 College St, Suite 100,Toronto 489 College St, Suite 100,Toronto

Transform your professional image with our "Empower & Impress" event. Partnering with New Circles, we offer free suiting, professional LinkedIn headshots, and confidence-building workshop. Step into success with style and poise!

Workshop: LinkedIn and Social Media for Job Search

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Discover how to get started on LinkedIn and how to attract positive attention from employers, recruiters, and fellow industry professionals with your profile. Go beyond the basics and explore all that LinkedIn and social media have to offer job seekers.

Info Session: Engineering Connections Program

Online Online

Engineering Connections helps internationally-trained Engineering professionals pursue careers in their sector in Canada. This information session introduces the program to potential participants while also providing job search advice for the sector.

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