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Make the

Many people in our city need access to job search support. By going mobile, and directly into communities, we are providing free employment services to improve integration and economic participation for those who need it most.

Donate Today

This year, through the generosity of campaign supporters and donors, ACCES will raise $300,000 to bring employment services to the hardest-to-reach and most vulnerable populations.


By donating, you will be part of this important expansion of services.

Collaboration with community partners and service providers to create a network of wrap-around supports.

These strategies will help us reach more jobseekers:

ACCES Street Fleet

A unique and innovative mobile employment service that brings support directly to jobseekers.

Pop-up Connections

Portable pop-up events that will connect jobseekers with employers at an off-site location.

Shared Support

Collaboration with community partners and service providers to create a network of wrap-around supports.

Looking to get involved?


Contact Michelle Moreno, Director, Corporate Engagement & Donor Lead at [email protected]

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