Info Session: Cloud Computing Connections Program

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Cloud Computing Connections helps internationally-trained IT professionals transition and expand their cloud computing careers in Canada. This information session introduces the program to potential participants while also providing job search advice for the sector.

Info Session: Engineering Connections Program

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Engineering Connections helps internationally-trained Engineering professionals pursue careers in their sector in Canada. This information session introduces the program to potential participants while also providing job search advice for the sector.

Pearson Ready-to-work Program

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The program will prepare youth job seekers for great employment opportunities within the Toronto Pearson Airport Employment Zone. Working in partnership with a wide range of community partners, the program supports participants in building the mindsets, skills, and connections they need to develop successful careers in Canada’s second largest employment cluster.

Info Session: Connecting to Careers in Advanced Manufacturing

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The Connecting to Careers in Advanced Manufacturing program is designed to help participants transition or advance their careers in the manufacturing sector.
In this information session, you will learn more about the sector, program components, duration, delivery, benefits it offers, as well as the application process.

Find a Job as a Newcomer to Canada – IBM SkillsBuild Workshop

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Join us in this interactive workshop to learn how to plan and adapt your job search to the Canadian market, make connections, create a Canadian Style resume, and learn Canadian workplace culture.

Learning Objectives:

Learn the differences in a Canadian Style Resume.

Utilize tools for job search and networking in Canada.

Gain insights into Canadian workplace culture.

Workshop: Better Jobs Ontario

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Better Jobs Ontario provides eligible laid-off workers with skills training to help them find jobs in high-demand occupations in Ontario. Join us for this informative workshop that introduces this government grant program and provides direction and advice for the application process.

Information Session: Connecting Newcomers to Good Jobs

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Information Session for the Connecting Newcomers to Good Jobs program to examine and discuss the impactful job search supports we provide our clients to assist them in achieving their employment goals.

Ukrainian – Speaking Job Search Info Session

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Ukrainian-Speaking Job Search Information Session.
Join our upcoming virtual information session for newcomers from Ukraine with CUAET visas, delivered by Ukrainian-speaking consultants from Connecting Newcomers to Good Jobs - Ukrainian Stream. The session will provide insights and guidance for a successful job search.

Future Proofing Workshop day 2

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Join our workshop series designed to equip you with the essential, future-proof skills you need to thrive in your career with the recruiter and former hiring manager Cindy Fruitman!

Alumni Night – FSC 24

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Alumni Night, FSC 24 Program Mentor list:
- Shiva Azizzadeh
- Jingran Cui
- Sufi Begum
- Matyam Ahmed

Info Session: Career Pathways for Newcomer Women

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Career Pathways for Newcomer Women (CPNW) program supports professional women in securing employment that utilizes their skills and experience. This information session introduces the program to potential participants while also providing overall job search advice.

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