Request for Proposals (RFP)
For Independent Contractors Opportunity for:
ACCES offers several programs to position Internationally Trained Professionals (ITPs) into
commensurate employment that reflects the field in which they were trained or in a related field,
without duplicating their existing skills and education. The goal is to support ITPs to successfully move
into their profession in Canada at an accelerated pace.
To support this goal, ACCES is requesting applications from prospective proponents to qualify as a
future potential vendor for the provision of English language training for our Talk English Café (TEC)
program as described in sections 3.1 and 3.2. Applicants must be able to teach 1.5 hours per evening
session once or twice per week, according to program schedule. A maximum of 2 hours can be billed
(1.5 hours of instruction and 30 minutes of preparation time). The sessions will be delivered in-person
and/or remote (online). This opportunity is available at the following locations: Newmarket, North
York, Markham, Mississauga, Scarborough and Toronto.
The successful proponent will be invited to enter into a Service Agreement for the period of April 1st,
2022 to March 31st, 2025.
Link to RFP: RFP # 2022-02-08 Talk English Cafe