Request for Proposals (RFP)
For Independent Contractors Opportunity for:
RFP # 2022-12-07
The purpose of this Request for Proposals is to seek to perform an internal audit on 3 of ACCES’ internal processes:
- Petty Cash and Cash Advance: Petty cash fund shall be used by employees in a location/site eligible for cash expenditures for which it would not be cost-efficient or necessary to issue separate and small payments for transactions.
- Credit card expenses: ACCES credit cards may only be used for pre-approved business expenses. They may not be used for expenses of a personal nature or used to circumvent the normal procurement process.
- Travel, Hospitality and Expenses: ACCES will reimburse employees for legitimate, appropriate, pre-approved expenses incurred to carry out their business responsibilities while travelling on ACCES business or hosting guests, clients, and others.
Link to RFP: RFP#2022-12-07 -Internal Auditor